Getting This Started...
It's hard being old school in 2004. Blogging is trickier than I thought, but we're gonna give it a try and see if we can't stay a little more connected through the mysterious dimension of the internet.
Phileena and I have appreciated all the love and support we've received over the years from those of you who know us. Many of you have been great about keeping in touch and we hope this goofy little blog will be one more way we can keep you connected to what's going on in the whirlwind we call life.
From this original blog there are a number of other random blogs that you can poke around on and keep up with: what the Lord is teaching us (Learning to See); where we are in the world and what's going down during our travels (In The Suitcase); what we're reading and what we recommend as good books (Dusting Off the Shelves); the friends we love and have recently been with (The Table is Central); and some slightly scandalous political, economic, cultural, and religious musings (The Underside of Controversy).
As always, we need your prayers and your presence in our lives.
Take it slow, keep it simple, and bless God.